Friday, May 17, 2013

Ups and Downs of Blogging

my fear of having a the Internet. once something goes live(Published) it can be viewed by anyone who searches it and as long as there aren't strict privacy settings. Other than it being on the Internet. my fear is editing. I know you shouldn't really edit your writing(On a Blog) but i find myself re-reading everything i write time and time again. After reading many books i find finding mistakes easier each time. maybe after the end of blogging this class i'll do something with the writing experience  i've done, especially with my other P.E. (Physical Education) Blog. Some experience is better than No experience. No previous experience in blogs, I don't read blogs. I read Forums/Community Forums (reviews) 

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about overly editing You're right, it's a blog. It should be personal. Or at least this type of blog should be personal.
